Just Released: UC Davis Table Olive Grower Economics Study Learn more >

Just Released: UC Davis Table Olive Grower Economics Study Learn more >

Water Efficient

“Table olive crops have some of the lowest water usage out of all the CA crops.”

~ University of California Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources

Low Water Needs

  • Olive Trees are drought-tolerant and use less water than other crops
  • Fruit production requires some water for good yields, but less than other crops
  • Tree can survive years of no irrigation
  • Advent of SGMA and other water regulations in California will give olives further advantage over other crops in terms of water
Olives Use Up To 50% Less Water Than Other Sacramento Valley Crops
Weekly Average Applied Water Usage In Inches
Olives: 1.4. Walnuts: 2.3. Almonds: 2.7. Pistachios: 2.9.

System Efficiency

Olives: 1.3. Walnuts: 2.0. Almonds: 2.3. Pistachios: 2.5.

System Efficiency

Olives: 1.2. Walnuts: 1.8. Almonds: 2.1. Pistachios: 2.2.

System Efficiency

Source: Evapotranspiration Report From The Sacramento Valley Orchard Source; sacvalleyorchards.com
“In my experience, water use efficiency and drought resistance in olive trees is substantially better than almonds and walnut trees. With the toughening of water regulations this is more important than ever.”

~ Heath Burreson, Olive Grower, Orland, CA

“The lack of rainfall during the drought sped up some farmers’ tree-replacement schedules, he said. Rather than let older, less-productive trees produce nuts, those were taken down during the drought and replaced by newer trees that use less water.”

(comments regarding California’s 4-year drought and how it affected the growers’ orchards)
~ Ryan Jacobsen, CEO, Fresno County Farm Bureau
– Bloomberg article March 2018 – California Almonds are Back After 4 Years of Brutal Drought